It’s of course wonderful that my love for travel photography can be of high value for someone else – so much so that my clients pay to take me along to other countries! I gather material for my clients’ websites, marketing, PR and social media, which will last them for months.

I follow an organisation, company or tour operator to depict their story, a production process, a conference, a workshop or simply to show how their services help other people. I also do property photography and holiday resorts – the more beach and blue skies, the better!


When I travel, all those special little moments appear. This is when I can put all my senses into play and get pictures that stand out well beyond the ordinary holiday snaps.

Sometimes I wait for hours for the right moment, sometimes I more or less shoot from the hip when the moment comes crashing in. I get up early in the morning to capture the sunrise over the desert. I go to bed last to make sure I haven’t missed a thing. And the client gets valuable images throughout the trip for their social media updates.


I’ve grown up with a travel photographer Dad who is a master at capturing the atmosphere of a place, a person or a tribe, a swift moment in time that flies by. He always makes sure the images tie together to a story. He has taught me when it’s worth getting the camera out and when it isn’t, where to stand, what to do and say and also how to crop, expose and focus in difficult situations. The rest has come through different schools, mentors like Olle Westholm and Jerry Lebens, constructive feedback, personal development and many years of training.

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